Alina Marosek


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Alina Marosek is a self-proclaimed geek with a passion for video games that pushed her into writing so that she could talk about gaming more!


  • Alina graduated in 2021 from the University of Georgia with a degree in English and a passion for writing.
  • She has over five years of experience in writing, streaming, and blogging video game content.
  • Before writing for HaloHype, Alina was a freelance writer creating websites and bios for various companies.


Alina is a proud girl gamer that can snipe any soldier, capture any flag, and survive any gulag! In her free time, she enjoys playing Halo and popular multiplayer online games with her friends as both a casual gamer and a Twitch streamer. Alina loves fantasy novels, open-world gaming, and the occasional competitive 5v5. She is excited to share her knowledge with fellow gamers!


Bachelor's Degree in English at the University of Georgia

Expertise: English

Education: University of Georgia

Location: Athens, GA

Title: Writers

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