Bradley Hill


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Brad Hill combines his passion for video games and his love for writing to share up-to-date gaming content with his readers.


  • Brad has a Bachelor's degree in English.
  • He taught English before transitioning to freelance writing.
  • He writes for numerous online publications.


Brad grew up in Southern California, where he played Magic: The Gathering semi-professionally and streamed on Twitch in an attempt to play video games professionally. His favorite games are Destiny 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Valorant, Magic: The Gathering, and now Marvel Snap. After his stint on Twitch, he moved to South Florida, where he currently lives.


Brad received his Bachelor's degree in English/Writing from Cal State San Bernardino.

Expertise: English/Writing

Education: Cal State San Bernardino

Location: San Bernardino, CA

Title: Writer

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